Not All Runs are the Same: Explaining Various Running Workouts for Long-Distance Runners

It appears that middle and long-distance runners are truly spoilt for choice when it comes to the sort of running workouts at their disposal.

This article explains diverse running workouts that can be beneficial for middle and long-distance runners.

  • Long Run: This is a staple workout for any distance runner. It helps to build endurance and teaches your body to run long distances. The long run should be done at a slow and easy pace. A good rule of thumb is to run at a pace where you can comfortably hold a conversation.
  • Tempo Run: Tempo runs are a great way to improve your lactate threshold. The lactate threshold is the point at which your body starts to produce more lactate than it can remove. Tempo runs are run at a pace that is faster than your marathon pace, but slower than your 5K pace.
  • Fartlek or “Speed Play”: This workout is a fun way to mix up your training and improve your race pace. It involves alternating between periods of fast running and easy running. There is no set structure to a fartlek workout, so you can be creative and tailor it to your own needs.
  • Hill Run: Hill runs are a great way to build strength and power. They can be done on any hill, but it is important to find a hill that is challenging enough to push you. Hill repeats are a type of hill run that involves running up a hill, jogging back down, and then repeating.
  • Hill Extension: This workout is similar to a traditional hill run, but with an added twist. After you crest the hill, you pick up the pace and run hard for a short distance. Hill extensions are a great way to improve your speed and power.
  • Progressive Run: A progressive run is a workout where the pace gradually increases throughout the run. This type of run is a great way to improve your endurance and race pace.
  • Intervals: Interval training is a great way to improve your speed and VO2 max. VO2 max is the maximum amount of oxygen that your body can use during exercise. Interval workouts involve alternating between periods of hard running and rest. There are many different types of interval workouts, so you can find one that is right for you.

Sample Workout Schedule

Here is a general guideline for incorporating these workouts into your training program:

  • Long Run: Once per week
  • Tempo Run: Once per week
  • Fartlek or Speed Play: Once per week
  • Hill Run or Hill Extensions: Once per week
  • Intervals: Once or twice per week
  • Easy Runs: All other days

This is just a general guideline, and you may need to adjust it based on your own training experience and goals. It is important to listen to your body and take rest days when you need them.

In addition to the workouts listed above, there are a few other things you can do to improve your running performance:

  • Strength training: Strength training is an important part of any running program. It helps to improve your running economy and prevent injuries.
  • Proper nutrition: Eating a healthy diet is essential for runners. Make sure you are eating enough calories and nutrients to fuel your training.
  • Recovery: Recovery is just as important as training. Make sure you are getting enough sleep and taking rest days when you need them.

By following these tips and incorporating these workouts into your training program, you can improve your running performance and reach your fitness goals.